Monday, September 29, 2008

Day 6.

Post-op day 6.

This liquid wack. These bands are wack. This whole being numb thing is wack. The swelling? Also wack.

Other than that everything's going smoothly :D

I've actually had minimal swelling. Actually, minimal's not the word because my face is still huge but the swelling is not as bad as what I've seen in pictures of others with the same surgery.

I had my first checkup with my OS today, he looked pretty proud of the job he did. He said I'm recovering very well and I'm doing a very good job of keeping my teeth clean despite all the chaos in my mouth. I have however developed a few cold and canker sores (never had a cold sore in my life) as a result of everything so he gave me some medication for that.

I'm only gonna be on the powerbands for another week and then he's putting me on light elastics. Here's hoping I get some real food soon..

I'll post my whole surgery and hospital experience later.

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